DCU Educational Trust Launches Excellence and Opportunity Appeal

Today, DCU Educational Trust launched a new call to alumni to support the DCU Excellence and Opportunity fund. DCU graduate Ultan Doyle joined students on campus to show his support for the fundraising campaign.

This spring, the appeal will ask DCU graduates around the world to donate to the university’s Excellence and Opportunity fund. It builds on strong alumni engagement with the DCU community through volunteering, mentoring students, donating and attending reunions.

Donations to the Excellence and Opportunity fund will enable talented students to excel at DCU through doctoral research opportunities and life-changing scholarships that support the participation of underrepresented groups in higher education. 

DCU Business Studies graduate Ultan Doyle described what motivated him to support the fund:

“I believe that education is the tide that lifts all boats and I have always been so grateful for the opportunity I had to study, which ultimately gave me a great life. This is an opportunity to change multiple lives that will have an impact on our society, our community and our economy. I’d encourage other graduates to do what you can, no matter how small.”


Speaking about the launch, Jason Sherlock, Director of Development at DCU Educational Trust stated:

“The generous support of DCU alumni and donors makes such an impact, from mentoring students to donating in giving campaigns like this one. This spring, we hope alumni everywhere will join us once more by supporting DCU Excellence and Opportunity, a fund that is dedicated to advancing doctoral research and widening participation in higher education.”

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