Giada Mazzini - Developing Skills for a Future in Business

After winning the Dr Séamus McDermott Entrepreneurial Scholarship for 2024, first-year Global Business (Canada) student Giada Mazzini can’t wait to see what the future holds. In this piece, she shares how the scholarship has given her the motivation and the network to achieve her potential.

“I had ten years’ experience in the workplace before I decided to go back to university. I had completed my Matura (Leaving Certificate equivalent) in Italy, and just went straight to work – but I wanted to expand my knowledge and gain as many skills as possible for a career in business. Last year, the time was right for me to return to education, and I was accepted into the Global Business course in DCU.

I think learning is one of the most important things you can do for your future. I’m most interested in learning about effective management, and I’m really enjoying the marketing modules on our course as well. In Global Business, we spend our third and fourth year studying abroad, so I’ll have an incredible opportunity to work and study in Canada. I think you really get to understand a country that way. It’s an opportunity to see what life could be like there.

I was very proud to be awarded the Dr Séamus McDermott Entrepreneurial Scholarship by the Liffey Trust. Hundreds of students were eligible to apply, and to have been selected means a lot to me as a personal achievement, and as a motivator for the future. It’s encouraged me to push myself to achieve more and get where I want to go. In that way, the scholarship has given me confidence in my path – both in university and for after I graduate.

This September, we have a meet up for all the Dr Séamus McDermott Entrepreneurial Scholarship awardees from different universities, and that will be a fantastic opportunity to build my network, and meet other student entrepreneurs.

The scholarship puts me in a better position financially for after graduation, when I hope to open a new business. I want to combine creativity with business and find a strategic business idea that will really stand out. I’m still building the skills I need to achieve that, but I’m looking forward to giving it my all.

I have so many ideas, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds. With this scholarship, I feel like I can take the next leap and make it.”

About the scholarship

The Dr Séamus McDermott Entrepreneurial Scholarship at DCU was created by The Liffey Trust to promote the value of job creation, entrepreneurial development and education for life in the minds of undergraduate students. The Liffey Trust was founded by Dr Séamus McDermott in 1984 to help potential entrepreneurs and community groups to establish themselves in Ireland. Over the past 40 years, the Trust has helped to build over 200 businesses, creating over 1,000 jobs.

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